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Some Words about us

Malibu Mirage Interest Group PA 46 Europe

There are now more than 1000 PA46’s throughout the world, two thirds of them in the USA. The success story continues.

As early as March 1991 the Malibu Mirage Owners and Pilot Association (MMOPA) was founded in the USA with a wide range of aims including the exchange and sharing of information and experience concerning the flying of these machines, as well as the provision of regular courses in flight safety, logistical improvements, the publication and exposure of maintenance and service problems, and finally the organisation of group activities, for example annual fly-ins inside and outside the USA.

The driving force behind this project was and is a shared enthusiasm for

"one of the finest single aircraft in the world"

We share this view.

The vast majority of American PA46 owners are already members of the MMOPA. Unfortunately so far only a few Germans and other Europeans have joined the MMOPA.

For this reason the MMIG46 was founded in 1999.

We don't want to try to catch up the MMOPA but we want a forum which will allow European members to benefit from an exchange of information far from the USA and to take part in useful (also financially useful) activities or just to have fun.

From the USA we know that the MMOPA has become a serious partner in talks and negotiations with institutions connected with flying. This is not surprising. With 600 planes with an average value of € 350,000, this represents negotiating power of € 210 million.

Since we founded the MMIG46 in December 1999 we have organised many interesting events including flights to Mauritius and West-Africa, fly-ins to various locations, training courses in GPS, PC-Met, safety etc.

We have negotiated special conditions for our members for the annual avionics check and aviation insurance.

The new lay-out of our website will be completed very soon.

Visit us at


We would like to invite you as an owner, pilot or friend of the PA46 to participate in the success of the MMIG46.

We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your comments and suggestions.

One thing is sure - the best way to bring the PA46's in Europe together is to get them flying together. This is why we are working on new tours.

It pays to join the MMIG46!

The annual fee is: members € 250,--
associated members € 250,--

I look forward to hearing from you and remain


Wilhelm Schröer
(President MMIG46)

© MMIG46 e.V.